5 ft. 2 Prong AC Power Cord Cable for Laptops - Black
Laptop Power Cord 2 Prong Cable (Black) - Often referred to as the "Figure-8" cord. You have a damage AC power cord or simply misplaced or lost it. Do not worry, stop looking and get a quality replacement (or spare) AC cable that complies and fit most of the units requiring a 2 Pin AC connection. This AC cord can be used with a wide variety of electronic devices including laptop computers, ac adapters, digital cameras, camcorders, DVD players, BoomBoxez, monitors, printers, AV equipment and much more more!
Features and Specifications:
* Product appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice.
Package includes:
Note: Photos and/or description may differ from actual products. Information from suppliers or packaging. CAB-POWER-2PRONG-05FT - Made in China - Cable - NEW - 999/700 - TGCP - 14/16 IRN: 844660001508-700 ************************************* Don't miss this deal! ************************************* |